Vision Call Centre

Vision Call Centre helps businesses to meet and beat the service level expectations of their customers, whilst at the same time, increasing employee productivity and reducing operational costs.
Developed to deliver a single seamless solution with Splicecom’s SelectVoice based business telephony platforms, Vision Call Centre combines advanced call routing with state-of-the-art reporting and management to optimise every aspect of your inbound call centre operation.
You might be thinking of a virtual call centre spread across multiple sites, looking to utilise home based agents, or simply a more effective way of sharing calls amongst a team. Whatever your requirements may be Splicecom offer the solutions you need to manage and grow your business.
Your call centre is the initial point of contact for your most valuable asset – your prospects and customers (be they external or internal). Providing great customer service will help these relationships to develop and grow, but the delivery of an efficient operation means much more than just maximising call-flow, optimising call handling and minimising the number of abandoned calls. You need to manage customer expectations. You need to enhance agent and supervisor productivity, enabling customer requests to be handled quickly and efficiently, allowing your management team to focus on business process improvement tasks.
You need to simplify your call centre operations through the use of technologies that seamlessly integrate with your existing investments in IT infrastructure and deploy them reliably across multiple locations.
Vision Call Centre and SelectVoice platforms work together as a single unified solution to help you deliver service as a business differentiator. Your agents and supervisors will become more effective, delivering greater levels of prospect conversion and customer retention. This in turn will help you to build the profitable relationships that lead to increased revenue.
Vision Call Centre enables you to enhance productivity, lower costs and increase customer service levels by automatically selecting the most important call to be answered and then ensuring that it is handled effectively. It makes all the decisions on how and where calls should be delivered - and when – in-line with your specific business goals, whilst providing Real-Time information and Historical Reports to your Supervisors, Administrators and Business Managers.
- Ideal for every requirement, from simple Help Desks to virtual distributed Call Centres
- Scales from one agent upwards - in increments of one
- Dynamic resource allocation to meet SLAs
- Automatic and/or manual priority control for queuing calls
- Totally transparent operation across multiple sites
- Homeworking Agent support
- Developed in-house by Splicecom to work with SelectVoice platforms
- Easy to Configure
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